Valentines Day Sms and Messages

Collection of Love messages, Romantic Sms and messages for Saint Valentine's Day.

1. You are the One - My Best Friend My Love.
2. I Love You my Princess
3. I Dream about you Every Night
4. Valentines Day Sms - Make It A Great Valentine Day!
5. To be in Your Arms, I can't wait any longer.
6. I Love You Sms - Your eyes are beautiful.
7. Knowing a lovely person like you
8. If I reached for your hand will u Hold it?
9. Always be there in my life sweetheart
10. Here is my heart, it is yours
11. If I could be your guardian angel
12. Be with me forever - I never saw so sweet a face.
13. Love is a symbol of eternity - Love you forever.
14. All I ever wanted was someone like YOU

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